A New Beginning to Your Authentic Self, Living Free of Your Mask
Postponed–Check back for more information
Lead Your Authentic Life and Walk Your Path
We hear rumors. Some say the end of the world is near. Others say it is a new beginning. Yet others say it is the big shift in awareness and we need to be enlightened to continue.
We are not sure what we are facing. And to be honest, we have no clue what will happen but why not be curious. What we do know is that the energy is powerful and that we want to make the best of it.
We all want to live our full potential and this is the time to step fully into it, but how? What stands in the way? How do we break thru all the old stories and habits that keep us repeating 2011 in 2012. How do we make 2012 the most important year of your life yet!
To start the process we need to come to our sense of true self, find our authenticity, and drop the mask we live behind. How often do you not feel restricted by your own belief system, your actions, and re-actions. Feeling like you are living in box of patterns that for some reason keep you from moving forward to fully enjoying yourself, your life, and your relationships.
This spring is a beautiful opportunity to take the chance to reconnect with your inner truth, find your center of your power, and bloom your authentic self.
A Spring 2012 Retreat and Renewal Weekend
Optional Morning Yoga
Do-In (self-applied energy massage)
Awareness Exercises and Self-exploration Journeys
Healthy Vegetarian Food
~ Saturday Night Awakening to 2012 Ceremony ~
During this experiential weekend you will:
– Explore the spring foods that help support your physical and emotional system to help you move forward.
– Learn about the food/emotion connection to help you find your inner power center.
– Experience and work with the Spring/Liver/Anger connection to help you break free from emotions that keep you stuck
– Uncover blockages and behaviors that get in our way for being your authentic self
– Identify and make friends with your mask so you can be who you really are
– Set intentions and practices that will get you to “Yes!”
Facilitated by Tom Kelley & nourishment counselor Jeanette Bronée, of Path For Life
Cost- $201.2
plus room and board.
$70 dorm/$90 semi-private per night/ two nights
Space is limited, and needs to be reserved before February 16th.
(First come basis)
To reserve your spot, or for more information contact:
Tom Kelley: 917 279 4112 or email: tmkhhc@gmail.com
Jeanette Bronée: 212 260 0604 or email: jeanette@pathforlife.com