The events unfolding in Boston have been shocking. Such terrible tragedies, changing lives forever and creating such lasting pain and anguish. My first reaction is disbelief, then I try to frame it in some way. Then the roller coaster of feelings: real sorrow for those most affected, then a kind of detached curiosity when surfing… Continue reading When young men do horrible things
Category: Inspiration
What is a Men’s Group?
To most men, “men’s work” means such things as going to a job and achieving success, providing for a family, building a deck off the back of the house and helping out in the community. We also have been taught that the term “be a man” means to always have your guard up, don’t show… Continue reading What is a Men’s Group?
Road Rage, and the third option
One of the most clear examples of anger out of control is in the case of road rage. Picture the scenario: a person cuts you off as you are driving on the highway. You look over at them and they shoot you a nasty look. Then escalates to them flipping you the bird. You are… Continue reading Road Rage, and the third option
Valentines Day reminder- Presents vs. Presence
As Valentines day quickly approaches, there can be an increase in anxiety. I have heard many talk about the pressure that they feel to “do Valentines Day right”. One woman I knew said that the MINIMUM effort she expected was dinner, flowers, chocolate and a gift. That was break even! That’s rough! Is rough because… Continue reading Valentines Day reminder- Presents vs. Presence
How to Be a Hero
Last night we watched a fantastic movie called Finding Joe. It is inspired by the lifetime work of Joseph Cambell. Campbell was a Mythologist and prolific author and teacher who was known for the message “Follow your bliss. ” Yesterday was also Father’s Day. One of the most common phrases heard on Fathers Day is… Continue reading How to Be a Hero
Monday Morning Choice
Monday morning. Lots to think about. There’s Syria, the upcoming election, Fox News viewers knowing less than people who watch no news, summer vacation plans, the Mets slump, gotta put the new shutters on the house, dog needs a check up, starting up my exercise program, the neighbor’s leaf blower is making too much noise……etc. … Continue reading Monday Morning Choice
The Heart of the Matter in The Belly of the Beast
Had two amazing experiences the last two weekends that I have to share. The first weekend was a Men’s Initiation in Northern California. Twenty five men came from all over the country to a training at a beautiful location up on a mountain. The views were stunning. The training tested us. We lifted logs, bruised… Continue reading The Heart of the Matter in The Belly of the Beast
Life Leaders Forum Panel – “Practice”
Great discussion in Nyack last night on the “Art of Practice”. Had such a diverse panel, and so many passionate voices that it made for yet another truly magical eventing in this series. There were a variety of practices represented on the panel, from Martial Arts to Tango to Meditation to Acupuncture to Yoga. And… Continue reading Life Leaders Forum Panel – “Practice”
An Easter Integral thought
Just read an excerpt from an email from Craig Hamilton of Integral Enlightenment. The significance of reading it on Easter weekend hit me like a ton of bricks. From the email: The problem is that we’ve all been steeped in a contemporary spiritual subculture that tells us that the very reason we should follow a… Continue reading An Easter Integral thought
Just another “normal” weekend in Nyack
What a beautiful weekend it was. Spring coming into being, St. Patrick’s Day and the NCAA tournament in full swing. That might have been a pretty full weekend. But I live in Nyack, NY and happen to have lucked into knowing some interesting people. So my weekend took some other turns. First, my friend and… Continue reading Just another “normal” weekend in Nyack